Photo montage, music and voxpops from the day.
CRN_Date of Recording: 13 October 2012
Kerrianne Cox is just back from Beagle Bay in WA working on reconciliation project and now here to support her friends in the Northern Rivers region against coal seam gas mining.
Part One: MP3 | 685KB | Part Two: MP3 | 952KB |
And on the traditional significance of water...
Part One: MP3 | 1.3MB | Part Two: MP3 | 2.6MB |
CRN_Date of Recording: 13 October 2012
QUESTION: The rape of our land, the destruction of our water, reduction of our health and the government is arguing over ego's. How do we get them to pay attention to what is really happening. It is not about them - it is about what is happening to US - HOW DO WE GET THEM TO DO THEIR JOBS? |
ANSWER: MP3 | 3.3MB |
QUESTION: Most of us live under the assumption that the government and public servants are there to protect us and look after us and that is what we pay them to for… SO WHAT DO WE DO - when private companies can use our government and our police against us with the full acquiescence of the media? |
ANSWER: MP3 | 1.1MB |
QUESTION: Bullying! It's all bullying and how do you deal with bullies? |
ANSWER: MP3 | 1.3MB |
Farmers and hippies... |
ANSWER: MP3 | 2.1MB |
Riddhi catches up with Drew at the end of the march. | |
During the Rally, Riddhi took her mics on the road to find out why people of the community were rallying against Coal Seam Gas mining in our region.
The audio on this page has been split into smaller audio files for faster download. Just click the play button on any of the parts below and enjoy.